Hong Kong's Kowloon Walled City - VIRTUAL TRIP REVIEW
1) How important it is the knowledge of the built environment and abiding building law to ensure healthy, safe and positive life quality?
The knowledge and law on built environment are very important so that builder or the public have their limit in terms of maintaining a safe and healthy environment. This is because as technology gets its lift, we human have started thinking in a very closed & concise way, ignoring some facts eventhough we know it's important. For instance, people want houses on top of the mountain, so developers blast the mountains. If there is no knowledge on build environment, building laws or limits, people will continue doing this & we won't be able to find a mountain on planet Earth anymore. Also when we cut mountains we cut trees, fewer trees, production of oxygen reduced & carbon dioxide increased. Hence, it's not healthy too. In conclusion, getting knowledge, having laws will help us stay in control so we don't harm ourselves, people around us & the environment.​ This will help us lead a healthy, safe & positive lifestyle.
2) A scene or situation from any references that has given an impact to you and tell us how do you feel about it.
I personally got pushed by the situation from the first video where I saw a huge sum of people living in a small area of land.​ They were all being squeezed in that small space. For the adults there, I might be their choice, but there were also a lot of children there too. They did not seem to have even the minimal facilities that they would require like schools, hospitals, play area & most importantly a clean breathable space to live in. At that point, I realised how lucky I am to be living in a country/place with the correct laws, facilities & environment.